This combination gives 8 different 15s for 16 points, a four of a kindworth 12 points, and a nobs worth 1 point, giving a total of 29 points. One of the four cards will be the startercard. The best possible hand is 5 5 5 5 and any Jack. The best hand is ultimately subjectiveduring the Play phase, but the highest score a hand can get during the Showphase is 29. We will however show you an image of a skunk or two if you get a skunk, and we do keep track of skunk counts for the statistics page. However, on this site we’re not playing multiple games, we only track each game individually. Normally a skunk will count as two games and a double skunk as 3. A double skunk is when a player wins by over 60 points, the opponent has less than 61 points. How To Play Cribbage for Beginners – SUPER SIMPLE LESSONĪ skunk is when a player wins by over 30 points, his opponent has less than 91 points when the game is over.